News & Events

Wing College - Bradley donates his long hair for the Little Princess Trust!


Cambian Wing College are delighted to share that, over the May half term, one of our students, Bradley, has donated his long hair to The Little Princess Trust and raised over £600 for the charity in sponsorship!

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Scarborough School - Emotional Literacy (2)


As part of our Emotional Literacy lessons, students in KS3 ventured into Peasholm Park, which is situated near North Bay Scarborough.

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Hill House School - Fairthorne Activity Days


The month of May brought excitement and adventure for Hill House young people as they embarked on Fairthorne Manor activity days.

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Devon School - Fishing and Foraging


As part of our work in Catering and Forest Schools this term, our students have been considering our food and where it comes from.

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We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering