News & Events

Russia Day at Beverley School


Beverley School recently had a Russian themed day, where students created some brilliant landscape silhouettes of the Moscow Kremlin and tasted some traditional Russian delicacies...

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Dilston College Support 'Children in Need'


Our students and staff at Dilston College, recently took part in lots of activities and raised money in support of Children in Need...

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Open to New Beginnings


One of the students from Chesham House School attended a open day...

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Southlands Sending Joy for Christmas!


Every year, the 'T4U' charity runs a nationwide shoebox appeal to provide Christmas gifts to vulnerable families and children in Eastern Europe. This year, Southlands School chose to participate, in order to help those who may otherwise miss out on Christmas presents..

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We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering