News & Events

Hill House's Aspiring Twitchers!


Hill House students recently took part in the RSPB’s `Big School’s Bird Watch`...

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Scarborough School's Seasonal Activities!


Scarborough School students got involved in some festive activities in the run up to Christmas..

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Hens Hatching at Dilston College!


Usually hens take a break over the winter weeks as the weather is colder and the days are shorter. However, at Cambian Dilston College we seem to have 'super hens’ as they are still laying their huge beautiful eggs..

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Grateley House Support Save The Children!


Every year in December, Save the Children run a 'Christmas Jumper Day' campaign, it involves everyone raising awareness of the charity by wearing their festive Christmas Jumpers...

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We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering