News & Events

Harry from Grateley House passes his work experience with flying colours

Harry from Grateley House passes his work experience with flying colours

Recently, a very brave group of young people from Grateley House School undertook a very exciting work experience week.

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Hill House draw inspiration from Einstein for their entry to the Saatchi Gallery


Our young people from Hill House have been busy in the art room, creating a beautiful sculpture that they have submitted to the renowned Saatchi Gallery in London.

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Cambian Hereford attend the Coca Cola Enterprise Challenge Finals

Cambian Hereford attend the Coca Cola Enterprise Challenge Finals

It was with trepidation and excitement that two of our young people arrived at Villa Park for the Regional Finals of the Coco Cola Enterprise Challenge.

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One of our class teachers has been awarded his Postgraduate Certificate in Autism

One of our class teachers has been awarded his Postgraduate Certificate in Autism

Robert Jablonski, one of our class teachers at Hill House School, has been awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Autism from Birmingham University.

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We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering