News & Events

Scarborough School Student Accepts Scholarship Place

Scarborough School Student Accepts Scholarship Place

Scarborough School are pleased to announce that one of their students has accepted a scholarship place with the Scarborough Football Scholarship for the 2018-2019 season.

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Day at the Safari for Cambian Home Tree School


Cambian Home Tree School is an independent DfE-registered co-educational day school, which specialises in accommodating for young people who have social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties.

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Hill House School celebrate wellbeing


Teachers and young people celebrated the end of March by focusing on all things wellbeing.

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The Beverley School Go Ape


It was that time again - the Beverley School half term reward trip: and on this occasion, it was Go Ape!

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 Testimonial Image

We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering