News & Events

Careers Sessions encourage next steps!


At The New Elizabethan School Careers information, advice and guidance meetings have been held between December and January with our year 11 students...

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Reviews, Resolutions & Report Writing!


The start of the new calendar year began with Wisbech School students reflecting on 2021...

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Boosting British Values!


Dilston College promote British values by supporting students to develop an appropriate and meaningful understanding of the themes of democracy, individual liberty, rule of law and mutual respect..

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Beverley School Bringing Joy for Christmas!


Over the Christmas period Beverley School students got to work collecting food items to be donated to the local food bank via a collection point at TESCO...

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 Testimonial Image

We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering