News & Events

Cambian Hill House School wins two Care Awards!


Cambian Hill House School were proud recipients of not one, but two Care Awards; an impressive feat in itself.

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Hill House have their say on anti-bullying week


Our young people at Hill House have been taking part in a whole range of different activities, learning about bullying, as well as promoting kindness and respect.

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Lufton College students learn some local history to create thier poppy display


Our young people used a great local story, working long and hard creating a poppy display, cutting out the poppies and assembling the finished piece outside the Duke of Edinburgh classroom. The students also met with a local historian to gain more insight into the story they'd uncovered.

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Emily makes the move to adult life with Digital Story.


The team at Hill House School produce a Digital Story for Emily before she transitions into adult care. Digital stories are a powerful means of expression for voices that can be difficult to hear and could be the way forward in supporting young people moving home

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We offer a differentiated and integrated education and care model focusing on children with high severity needs across three divisions: residential education, specialist education and therapeutic fostering