Specialist Education

See below the latest newsletters promoting happy, healthy and sustainable living at Hill House School and beyond:


➜ FootPrint Issue 69: New Beginnings

Since our last issue, we’ve seen some really positive progress toward our OPL goals. Particularly under the ‘sustainable water’ and ‘Zero waste’ principles.


➜ FootPrint Issue 68: Welcome back to a new term

Our Eco-Cabin and Autumn decoration are our focuses in the latest issue of our FootPrint.


➜ FootPrint Issue 67: 4Rs and Zero Waste Week

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Respect are the focuses in the latest issue of our FootPrint.


➜ FootPrint Issue 66: Discovery

Through our One Planet Living® curriculum, young people can actively engage in the process of discovery within the science topics through exploration, thereby promoting their sense of wonder, curiosity, and resilience, whether at home, in the classroom, or “out and about.”


➜ FootPrint Issue 65: Sleep and Self-Regulation

Getting a good night’s rest can have you bouncing out of bed in the GREEN ZONE, happy and ready to take on the day ahead. But a bad sleep can leave you in the BLUE ZONE - feeling tired, down and struggling to concentrate. Just like regular exercise and a healthy diet, getting enough sleep is an essential part of looking after your physical and mental well-being.


➜ FootPrint Issue 64: Pre-loved

There is no doubt that buying second-hand or pre-loved goods is better for the environment but it also has a feel-good factor.


➜ FootPrint Issue 63: Rewilding the Mind

As part of our One Planet Living® curriculum, the young people at Hill House have the opportunity to experience regular “ReWilding the Mind” sessions run by Zoe from the Hampshire County Council, Outdoor Participation Team.


➜ FootPrint Issue 62: Year in Review

2023 was another great year for promoting sustainability at Hill House and making progress with our One Planet Living action plan.


➜ FootPrint Issue 61: Festive Foraging

Everyone at Hill House has been busy getting ready for Christmas and this year we are continuing with our efforts to decorate responsibly and sustainably.


➜ FootPrint Issue 60: Pumpkins

The Hill House allotment produced a number of lovely orange pumpkins this autumn! One was delivered to each home at the beginning of half term, along with a few more handpicked from the annual visit to Sunnyfields Farm, and the young people got to choose what to do with them.


➜ FootPrint Issue 59: Harvest

 Autumn is traditionally a time when we see all of our hard work earlier in the year come to fruition and this was particularly evident at Hill House last week!


➜ FootPrint Issue 58: Hill Fest

The theme for this year’s festival was RESPECT: respect for the environment and respect for each other.


➜ FootPrint Issue 57: John Muir Awards

On Wednesday 2nd August, Hill House held their annual Celebration Day to celebrate the achievements of all our young people with their families and friends.


➜ FootPrint Issue 56: Eco Cabin

Ever since we held our Green Dragons’ Den back in November 2021, we have been looking forward to our new Eco-Cabin! It has arrived!


➜ FootPrint Issue 55 : Community

 As migration, economic growth, and climate change alter the shape of our towns and local communities, it is more important than ever that we support and promote cohesion...


➜ FootPrint Issue 54: Land and Nature

Hill House students get out into nature and learn how to live off the land...


FootPrint Issue 53: Earth Day and Bugs

Hill House celebrates the 53rd Earth day. In this edition, we also explore eco-friendly methods to deal with bugs in the home


FootPrint Issue 52: Lights Out and Chickens

Read all about how the 'Hill House Hens' are settling in! 


➜ FootPrint Issue 51: Food Waste

Promoting happy, healthy and sustainable living at Hill House and beyond...


➜ FootPrint Issue 50: Heroes

Now, more than ever, we need to play our part in contributing towards a greener, more sustainable future...


➜ FootPrint Issue 49: Lets Eat!

At Hill House, we are always encouraging our young people to make healthy and sustainable choices, especially when it comes to the food they eat..


➜ FootPrint Issue 48: Recycling Revisited

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE (the 3Rs) has become a mantra at Hill House and we are always looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly...


➜ FootPrint Issue 47: Investing in our planet

 The theme for this year’s Earth Day back in April was, “Invest in our Planet.” As individuals, we have the simple yet effective power to make our voices heard through our choices, our actions, and our personal interactions...


➜  FootPrint Issue 46: One year on

Just over a year ago, Hill House signed up to One Planet Living® and published its ambitious action plan...


➜ FootPrint Issue 45: Return of the Dragons

The Green Dragons’ are returning to Hill House in November and are looking forward to hearing about all of your creative ideas for promoting sustainability...


➜ FootPrint Issue 44: Halloween

When we think about Hallowe’en, ethical and sustainable practice doesn’t really come to mind but the amount of waste that this single day can generate is mind-boggling...


➜  FootPrint Issue 43: Dog Walking

Dogs love going for walks and so do the young people at Hill House! There was a lot of excitement when Monty visited us recently and wanted to play...



➜ FootPrint Issue 42: Zero Waste Week 2022

As announced in the last FootPrint newsletter, this week is Zero Waste Week . Running from the 5th to 9th September, the aim is to encourage everyone at Hill House to think more about waste...


➜ FootPrint Issue 41: Zero Waste

All of the young people at Hill House will be taking part in Zero Waste Week by going on a “Rubbish Diet” and becoming “Waste Watchers.” Will you join them?...


➜ FootPrint Issue 40: Fashion!

Fast fashion is one of the main polluting industries in the world. Excessive clothing production is harmful to our planet because it involves chemicals and waste....


➜ FootPrint Issue 39: Celebration

At the beginning of the month, Hill House documented their Celebration Day - a day filled with sunshine and smiles to celebrate the achievements of their young people over the last academic year, with sustainability remaining at the forefront of their planning too.


➜ FootPrint Issue 38: "Turn It Off"

Last year, Willows Warriors put together a brilliant campaign for the Hill House School Green Dragons’ Den with the key message of “turn it off.”...


➜ FootPrint Issue 37: Let's Talk Water

Did you know that a person uses an average of 150 litres of water a day?...


➜ FootPrint Issue 36: Hill House are raising the Green Flag!

It’s official! Hill House School have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award with Distinction...


➜ FootPrint Issue 35: Big Battery Hunt

Hill House are taking part in this year’s Big Battery Hunt...


➜ FootPrint Issue 34: The Queen’s Green Canopy

Hill House took part in a special activity for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, where they planted trees in honour of The Queen's service and the legacy she has built...


➜ FootPrint Issue 33: Plastic Free July

Now, more than ever, it is important to cut our plastic consumption so taking part in Plastic Free July is a good way to start...


➜ FootPrint Issue 32: Jubilee Celebrations

Hill House enjoyed a whole week of festivities, which included spending time outdoors in the sunshine and the fresh air.


➜ FootPrint Issue 31: On Your Bike!

During Bike Week, the staff and students at Hill House School were encouraging as many people as possible to get out there and enjoy their local community by bike.


➜ FootPrint Issue 30: Summer!

At Hill House, Summer is synonymous with school trips to the zoo and outings into the forest or to the beach with picnics and ice cream. Our young people have certainly been making the most of the sunny days so far to improve their health and well-being in lots of ways.


➜ FootPrint Issue 29: Eco-Schools Green Flag Award Application

We’ve done it! Hill House School have completed an application for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. Now we wait to see if we are successful!


➜ FootPrint Issue 28: All About Bees

Did you know that Bees are among the hardest working creatures on the planet and benefit people, plants and the environment.


➜ FootPrint Issue 27: Grow your own!

Did you know that lots of fresh herbs that you see in supermarkets are actually flown into the UK. This causes pollution from airplanes, unnecessary plastic packaging, and in some cases, deforestation to keep up with demand.


➜ FootPrint Issue 26: Recycle Your Unwanted Spectacles and Contact Lenses!

Did You Know… Even though they are made from metal or plastic, glasses cannot be thrown in your household recycling bin? But not to worry, you can recycle spectacles and contact lenses by visiting your local Opticians!


➜ FootPrint Issue 25: Earth Day 2022

Students and staff at Hill House have been reflecting on how their individual actions impact our planet’s natural systems and with Earth Day around the corner (22nd April), have continued to promote environmental awareness with their Eco-Friendly efforts. 


➜ FootPrint Issue 24: How Green Is It... To Eat Chocolate?

As Easter approaches, Hill House asked the Green Living Detective 'How Green Is It... To Eat Chocolate?' and were very surprised with the information that they found.


➜ FootPrint Issue 23: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Hill House recently held a Recycling Day where the Behaviour Support Team focused on how students could incorporate the 3Rs into their daily lives to form good habits.


➜ FootPrint Issue 22: World Book Day

As part of their One Planet Living initiative and work towards the Eco School Green Flag Award, Hill House chose the theme of “Nature” for this year’s World Book Day celebrations.


➜ FootPrint Issue 21: March Madness

As springtime approaches, everyone at Hill House is looking forward to better weather, longer days, and the chance to get outside more.


➜ FootPrint Issue 20: Recycling Day!

On Wednesday, 2nd March, Hill House held its first Recycling Day! 


➜ FootPrint Issue 19: The Best Thing In Life Are Trees

Hill House are playing their part in promoting the importance of Trees and encoraging everyone to plant more of them in their gardens and land.


➜ FootPrint Issue 18: How Green Is It... To Laminate Paper?

Hill House' Lower School Lead has introduced the use of digital workboxes to replace printed and laminated resources, reducing paper and plastic waste throughout the lower school.


➜ FootPrint Issue 17: The Joy that Music Brings

Hill House students have been enjoying their own personalized playlists on Spotify, to try and reduce the amount of plastic CD's that they use!


➜ FootPrint Issue 16:Eco-Schools Green Flag

Hill House are very excited as they apply for a Eco-Schools Green Flag, to acknowledge, reward, and celebrate the ecological achievements of our students and to promote the hard work that they are doing to protect the planet.


➜ FootPrint Issue 15: Shop Well, Eat Well

Check out tips on how to reduce food waste and how we can all make big carbon reductions without completely altering your lifestyle.


➜ FootPrint Issue 14: Big School Birdwatch

The students at Hill House School took part in RSPB Big School Birdwatch, looking for birds so they can complete their survey and submit their results online with other schools across the country. Not only that, plans are now underway to open a Let's Eat Bird Cafe, to encourage their feathered friends to visit all year round.


➜ FootPrint Issue 13: 8 Ways to be Environmentally Healthy

New year, new habits! Hill House School and Friends of the Earth are sharing their top 8 tips as to how you can be more sustainable... the lazy way!


➜ FootPrint Issue 12: Travel & Transport

One of the One Planet Living principles is reducing the need to travel, encouraging walking, cycling and low-carbon transport. Cycling is for everyone and the Hill House students are given the opportunity to build their self-confidence on specialist bikes.


➜ FootPrint Issue 11: The Treehouse Theatre & Christmas Trees

Read more about the most recent visit from The Treehouse Theatre and how to dispose of your Christmas Trees sustainably.


➜ FootPrint Issue 10: Country Trust

As part of their One Planet Living work, Hill House School have signed up to the Country Trust, a national education charity that brings alive the working countryside for those least able to access it.


➜ FootPrint Issue 9: It's a Green Christmas

Read more about how with a little thought and planning the students at Hill House will have a more sustainable Christmas both in School and at home.


➜ FootPrint Issue 8: Think Before You Print

Discover why using too much paper is bad for the trees, landfill, environment and our health and how changing our daily practices can make a huge difference.


➜ FootPrint Issue 7: Focus on Firs

Follow the first entry of the Green Dragon's Den winners and how they intend to reduce food waste and plastic useage at Hill House School.


➜ FootPrint Issue 6: Green Dragon's Den

Hill House School held their first Green Dragon's Den where teams got the chance to present their ambitious plans for promoting sustainability at Hill House School and see who got the 'green light'.


➜ FootPrint Issue 5: Bamboo is Better

Bamboo is now recognised as an extremely earth-friendly material and the students at Cedar and Willows are already testing out their bamboo toothbrushes. Plus, meet November's One Planet Living Champion! 


➜ FootPrint Issue 4: Recycling

Recycling facts and what we can do to help. 


➜ FootPrint Issue 3: Project Garden

Students have been busy making a sensory garden using recycled materials - not only edible but also good for local wildlife.


➜ FootPrint Issue 2: Fine Bedding

The boys at Willows recently chose new bedding from a company that promotes sustainably responsible practices. Plus, the students try out their new plates, bowls and mugs made out of wheat straw.


➜ FootPrint Issue 1: One Planet Living

The first newsletter from Hill House School promoting sustainable living, including the 10 principles and for information about Lymington and Pennington's Green Week.

The 10 Principles

OPL Table RGB March 2022

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We are delighted that Hill House School has once again been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.

"The school encourages pupils to let their personalities shine. Staff help pupils to share their interests, and they find out what they do well.

This helps everyone to develop a sense of identity. For example, at tutor times, everyone enjoys taking a moment to celebrate each other’s interests and share their favourite songs." 

Hill House School Ofsted Education Report - March 2024


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