Residential Services

                         Highlight Of 2024


From the Monday 11th to Friday 15th of November, we took some of our residents on their very first Shap Road winter holiday to Center Parcs in Whinfell Forest. The holiday was very successful and everyone who went thoroughly enjoyed it (staff included). To make the holiday even more special for our residents it was the start of the Winter Wonderland season at Center Parcs. This meant that we even got to meet Santa Claus and visit his Workshop (where his elves were hard at work preparing for the big day that will soon be upon us).


Our residents enjoyed walking around the site and taking in all of the extraordinary Christmas lights and decorations that were situated all throughout the forest and even around the lake. They went swimming in the Subtropical Paradise where there were lots of waterslides to enjoy, attended a pantomime (Wizard of Oz), playied crazy golf and even had toasted marshmallows and mulled wine whilst enjoying a walk through the Enchanted Light Garden that including an amazing light display and music that would feel like it was magically being played from within the trees.


For the duration of this holiday we stayed in a traditional woodland log cabin deep within Whinfell Forest and it really added to the magical Christmas experience for all who went. This is something that may well become a Christmas tradition for all at Shap Road going forward.


We will be sharing lots more of our photos from this holiday in our Winter Newsletter 2024 which will be uploaded to the website before the end of the year so please do keep a look out for this as we would love for you all to enjoy looking at the memories we made.

In the meantime, thank you for reading our story and we hope you all have a magical Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to sharing more stories with you in 2025.


From all at Shap Road


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Take a look at our latest Newsletters:

(Newsletters are published each Summer and Winter)


Winter Newsletter 2024

➜ Summer Newsletter 2024