Cambian Wing College Outcomes and Achievements
View the academic and social results from this year:
➜ College Outcomes 2024
We love to speak about stories of success and the brilliant work our team do. Success can be measured in many different ways and our goal is to support the students in our care and bring out the best in them.
Our latest testimonials are below:
"I am writing to thank you all very much for your help, support and professional expertise that I has benefited from over the last three years.
He arrived in August 2021 extremely unwell and with very little ability to manage the ups and downs of his teenage life. He has left Cambian Wing and Southwood Avenue this summer with the all-essential English and Maths GCSEs (thank you to Beth for organising it so SWA could be his exam centre - this made a huge difference), a distinction star in Level 2 Media and, most importantly of all, a renewed self esteem and plans for his future.
He's also quite literally doubled in size since arriving with you! Along the way he rowed in Christchurch, spent 4 years in National Orchestra for All, joined a Jiu jitsu club, had a few recent good nights out in Bournemouth and learnt greater skills for independence than most peers his own age - independent shopping, cooking, travel and laundry now come easily to him.
We are sorry that, over this last year, part of I's progress towards leaving Cambian meant he was not able to fully appreciate or engage with all that you have on offer. I, as you know, is always very black and white about these things. But I am sure he won't mind me passing on that he misses his life in Bournemouth and many of the people he met along the way.
Life will not be straightforward for I, and he has lots of hard work ahead to maintain what the Cambian/ SWA team started. You know better than others how much effort he requires to achieve what many of us take for granted. But he has done really well in this first couple of weeks here in Oxford - college has started, he has found a gym and a martial arts club, and has had his first job interview. Plus he took me out for lunch on my birthday yesterday. I think he is finding each day a little bit more manageable.
There are a few treats arriving at SWA from Waitrose tomorrow (Wednesday) to be shared out amongst the staff as a tiny token of our appreciation - we thought we'd better wait until the term-time staff were all safely back at work! Hopefully Beth or Tim will be around to distribute as there was no way of writing a note with the delivery.
I hope the back-to-college phase has gone smoothly and your new residents are settling in well. Good luck to everyone for the future.
Best wishes."
- Parent
"Hi Cass
I would just like to take the opportunity on behalf of myself, T and R, to thank yourself and all of your wonderful staff, past and present who have contributed more than anyone ever has in the education system.
His personal development and education is past anything we could have ever wished for.
Kindest regards and deepest thanks."
- Parent
“Well, we attended the graduation ceremony today! I really wouldn’t have believed anyone if they had predicted that William would attend university let alone get a degree or a first! It was very emotional knowing what William has gone through to get to this point in his life! I confess I shed a few tears!
William has also secured himself a job with the same company my husband worked for and, indeed, in the same office with the same colleagues. William was asked to attend an informal interview a few weeks ago and they were so impressed with him they said they would generate a job just so he can work for them! He starts at the end of November and will join the graduate scheme next year.
I really wanted to let the staff know how William has done as they have played a huge part in supporting him and helping him through some very difficult times. If William had not been a student at Wing College he would definitely not have achieved so much. His time at the Wing was a turning point in his life and gave him the springboard he needed to re-join the world. We will always be grateful for his time at the Cambian Wing College.”
- William's Mum
Overall, we are really happy with how well X has settled into pear tree. He is obviously very happy there and he often tells us all that is going on. We have seen an absolute transformation in our son. He really has been thriving at his new placement and is beginning to once again believe that he has a future.”
- Relative of young Person at Pear Tree (CQC registered accommodation at Wing College)