Specialist Education

The Historian Neil Storey visited Home Tree School and worked with students on the mysteries in history.  The morning was spent investigating the way that UFOs have been represented in the past with discussion of the Pyramids in Egypt and by looking at medieval paintings. 


Students were involved in giving explanations.  The focus then went to the 19th and 20th centuries looking at the development of flight and considering this alongside sightings.


The late morning session, students were encouraged to question how people might see these objects, what possible explanations there could be for multiple viewings.  To follow this, we went on to look at the role of aircraft – the rise of the aeroplane and the airships looking at the how people reacted to this.  We looked at the possibility of UFOs not being alien but purposeful trials or just imagined. 


Neil then looked at more up to date sightings and explanations.


In the afternoon Neil presented a session looking at mysterious occurrences around East Anglia.  With many tales and mysteries.  There was lots of discussion about the Historical locations and people that had lived there which just added to the wealth of knowledge provided, by Neil, by the staff and the students.


Students were really engaged throughout the day.