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➜ Hartlepool School's charcoal champions!
➜ D-Day
➜ An afternoon of playing real life Call of Duty!
➜ Tallships come to Hartlepool
➜ Hartlepool say Farewell to their Year 11 Leavers
➜ Science Field Trip to Stanhope
➜ A Fantastic Football Feeling
➜ Getting in the Christmas Spirit
➜ Personal Training Sessions Continue
➜ Platinum Jubilee Masterpiece!
➜ Hartlepools Easter Egg Donation
➜ World Book Day Was 'Eggcellent'
➜ Hartlepool Students Hoorah For The Home Team!
➜ Hartlepool School Happy For The Holidays!
➜ Hartlepool School Helping Children in Need!
➜ 'Hat-trick' at Hartlepool with FIFA 22
➜ Hartlepool School Student Wins Arts & Crafts Award
➜ Hartlepool School Celebrate World Book Day!