Specialist Education

Parents overwhelmingly feel that their children are not only thriving but also growing academically, socially, and emotionally at our school. They appreciate the supportive environment, dedicated teachers, and engaging curriculum that fosters a love of learning. Our parent feedback consistently highlights the positive impact our school has on their children’s confidence, well-being, and overall success.


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A fantastic school experience:


100% of parents are satisfied with their child's overall experience, with 60% saying they are very satisfied.



Understanding individual needs:


Our school truly understands the needs and challenges of our students - 80% of parents agree, with the remaining 20% recognizing some level of support.



Clear and effective communication:


Every parent (100%) feels the school communicates very well about their child’s progress, ensuring they are always informed and involved.



The right level of support for every child:


Support is a top priority at our school! 100% of parents believe their child receives the right level of care and assistance for their individual needs.



Student success and progress:


Parents have full confidence in their child’s success - 100% agree their child is doing well at school.



Strong parent-school communication:


We value open communication, and it shows - 100% of parents are very satisfied with how we connect with them.



Friendly and responsive staff:


From teachers to support staff, our team is approachable and engaged! 75% of parents say staff are very approachable, and the remaining 25% agree they are responsive and welcoming.


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We are proud of the strong relationships we have built with our families. Your feedback helps us continue to grow and improve!”