Specialist Education

Cambian Great Dunmow School

Policies | Enquiries


Unit 13, Flitch Industrial Estate, Chelmsford Road, Great Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1XJ

Telephone: 01371 705623

Head Teacher: Carrie-Ann Gibbs

Great Dunmow

➜ Great Dunmow School Prospectus (Download)

➜ Great Dunmow Term Dates 2024-2025


Cambian Great Dunmow School is an independent specialist provision that provides relevant, positive and high-quality education experiences and support for your child. We cater for children and young people aged 11 to 19 with ongoing social, emotional and mental health difficulties with associated complex needs.


Most of the learners that come to us have had negative experiences in prior educational settings and as a result this impacts on both academic achievement and social confidence. Our specially trained staff provide a warm, nurturing and caring school environment that allows children and young people to feel safe and valued as individuals.


Our school places a strong emphasis on supporting learners to become emotionally resilient, self -confident and positive. For us safeguarding is a top priority and is fully embedded in our ethos policies, systems and practice. We foster teamwork, community collaboration and promote fundamental British values of democracy, mutual respect, individual liberty, tolerance and rule of law.


Our broad and balanced curriculum consists of a range of academic, social and vocational elements that builds on prior knowledge and develops essential life skills. We organise our learning experiences in small groups, with personalised programmes, that are tailored to the support needs, interests, aspirations and abilities of individual students. We motivate learners through reward and reinforcement of positive choices, alongside efforts towards academic progress and their individual goals. We prepare our students to enjoy and achieve in order to become confident and reach their full potential.


The Proprietor

The proprietor of the school is Farouq Sheikh, Chair of the CareTech Board. 

The representative of the Proprietor of the school, whose address for correspondence during both term times and holidays, is: Andrew Sutherland, Director of Education, Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1AG. 


Student Profile

• Mixed gender aged 11 to 19

• Has an EHCP/SEN with a primary diagnosis of Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties rather than another diagnosis such as ASD


Students may present or be diagnosed with:

• SEMH needs / ACEs

• Challenging Behaviour

• Likely history of placement or family breakdown

• Attachment Disorder

• Low or no attendance in eduaction

• Self-harming behaviours

• Criminal record


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