Great Dunmow School


Our focus is to support all students to realise their potential and start the journey in their learning. Progress and achievements are recorded for each student and reports are regularly sent to carers/ parents and local authorities. The school acknowledges achievements at all levels, whether in lessons, particular activities or the actions of students, and we will celebrate these achievements on a regular basis.


We will provide written reports on a termly basis to carers/ parents/ Local Authorities, providing information on progress and attainment and there are opportunities for carers/ parents/Local Authorities to attend open days to discuss pupil progress.


The school’s general academic performance, including exam results, inspection reports will be published and made available to the extended school community. Regular reviews are conducted with social workers, virtual schools and other local authority agencies when required.


Examination course assessment Students will follow a variety of examination courses, dependent upon their individual educational needs. These include GCSE, Functional Skills, and Entry Level to Level 2 accredited courses. Initial and diagnostic assessment is through BKSB, with GL Assessment to support all round potential attainment. Ongoing assessment is teacher led through teacher assessment and standardised tests.


The curriculum is a framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge and understanding to be gained at eash stage (intent), for translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative (implementation) and for evaluating what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against expectations (impact).


Intent, Implementation & Impact


• Intention 1 - A sense of Self


Our curriculum will ensure that all children develop an understanding of themselves, our school rights and an awareness of their place within the community.


• Intention 2 - Learning to Learn


Our curriculum offer will ensure that all children develop secure learning to learn behaviours focused around exploration, resilience and perseverance, working with others and problem solving.


• Intention 3 - Knowledge and Skills


Our curriculum offer will ensure that all children develop appropriate subject spe[1]cific knowledge, skills and understanding in line with their stage of development.


• Intention 4 - Experience and Enrichment


Our curriculum offer will ensure that all children experience a breadth of opportunities and activities that expand horizons within and beyond the traditional learning environment of the classroom.






• Achieve personal best

• Inclusiveness

• Unconditional positive regard

• Enriched learning experiences

• Relevance & coherence

• Independent learning

• Choices and options

• Flexibility



• Personalisation

• Progression

• Integration

• Reintegration

• Transition

• Thematic approach

• Cross curriculum Links




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