Specialist Education
Student C had not been in education for 3 years, and had a diagnosis of ASD (June 2019) & Developmental language disorder – possible ADHD.
He had difficulties with communication and interaction– language processing difficulties included; difficulties understanding instruction sequencing & problem solving. C could not reflect upon the reasons for and consequences of his actions.
C's tendency to refuse to comply can result in angry aggressive behaviour, and he had weak Non verbal communication skills, with restricted eye contact and limited use of verbal expression. HisSpeech, language and communication skills are impacted by his complex emotional and behavioural needs. Verbal communication can range from 1-2 words to a relatively mature & grammatically complex sentence (when following his own agenda).
At home, student C wore very little in a way of clothing and preferred to wear shorts & a t-shirt. His diet had become limited, with a preference for junk food, such as burgers.
From a learning perspective,  Student C had below average fine motor skills/ co-ordination/ balance/ drawing/ strength and agility, poor handwriting & weak hand strength (use of computers for writing), as well as well below average independent social and practical skills. He had a tendency to stay up all night and sleep in the day.
C demonstrated difficulties in school from a young age. He could read but found reading/ writing/ lessons difficult. His academic performance was well below what is expected, with poor concentration, difficulty in attention and listening span. He would talk negatively about his work and has severe working memory problems, expecting others to do work for him. He also found it difficult to work in groups/ team activities and would take personal offence to mild corrections, finding it difficult to move on. 
As Student C progressed at Whinfell, his confidence grew, alongside his attendance record at school.
See below exerts from his school reports, and he went through his journey, and resulted in obtaining fantastic education grades including the higest level possible in GCSE Art - a Grade 9!

An exert from his first Whinfell education report:


C has made a fantastic start to his time at Whinfell School. He has attended school everyday after his settling in period. He has joined in lessons and has had a positive attitude in trying to achieve his best. He has shown himself to be caring about others and has been keen to make friendships. Whilst forging new relationships C must be mindful not to get dragged into negative situations and try to walk away instead.  I look forward to teaching C next year when he will be starting his KS4 journey.


First report attendance – 85%


Exerts from his end of KS4 report –


English: C was working towards his Functional Skills level 2 this term and therefore we did lots of exam practice on how to read and interpret non fiction texts and how to compose a good piece of transactional writing.


Science: C has demonstrated a really positive attitude to learning throughout his last term. He has worked hard on developing his practical investigation skills, and his theoretical knowledge. He has had fantastic attendance in his science lessons, and has really given his studies his all. He has been able to use an impressive range of scientific vocabulary with accuracy, and apply this to a range of different investigations that we have carried out.


C this is such a positive report, with so much to be proud of! You have achieved so much this term, not just in the classroom but also across a range of extra curricular activities. You have also been busy developing your independent living skills, producing some fabulous dishes in independent cooking and travelling independently to a variety of locations, showing maturity and self sufficiency which will put you in good stead for when its time to move on from Whinfell.


Attendance throughout KS4 - 92%


Exert from C latest report 


C you have had a fantastic term and there is so much to be proud of! You have embarked on your college career with maturity and are making good progress towards your studies. Tutors speak positively about the progress you are making and your attitude to learning.

You have undertaken your preparation for adulthood curriculum as well, which is a really vital part of your development and to make sure you are in the best possible position for your next steps at the end of the year. You have also continued to develop your photography, taking part in sessions with a local photographer and perfecting your skills further, and I am looking forward to developing your work experience programme further in the new year.


Attendance – 95%


Click here to see examples of Student C's incredible photography skills