Whinfell School

Whinfell School Outcomes & Achievements

View the academic and social results from the last year:


➜  School Outcomes 2024

➜  School Outcomes 2023



We love to speak about stories of success and the brilliant work our team do. Success can be measured in many different ways and our goal is to support the students in our care and bring out the best in them.




Student C


Student C had not been in education for 3 years, and arrived at Cambian Whinfell School with a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD. With the support, encouragement, and dedicated efforts of staff at Whinfell, student C flourished into an incredible young man, student and talented phographer. Read the full story of student C here.


Meet Jack


During Autism Acceptance Week 2022, student Jack was interviewed by the Principal, Paddy Sandham, where we dicussed his experiences of autism and his progression since joining Whinfell School.


Jack Thumbnail V2



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"A focus on well-being is fundamental to the school’s work. Staff have great success in developing pupils’ character. They successfully raise pupils’ aspirations. Staff also develop the way pupils think about others. In this way, pupils respect and celebrate the differences in others."

- Ofsted, 2021 (See full report here

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Benefits of Therapeutic Outdoor Learning

Research and evidence increasingly suggests many benefits of spending time in the natural world for young people’s psychological and physical well-being, including:


  • Reduced stress
  • Better concentration
  • Improved feelings of well-being
  • Independence
  • Problem solving skills
  • Self-discipline
  • Team work
  • Development of social skills


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