Whinfell School

Cambian Whinfell School's curriculum is designed to enable our young people to build self-esteem and achieve their full potential.


Our students all access the national curriculum and follow the most suitable learning journey for them from Unit Awards and Entry Level Certificates to GCSE’s. Post-16 students may remain at Whinfell School to continue their studies and journey to adulthood, through a bespoke curriculum offer working closely with local colleges and accredited courses in Independent Living and Preparing for Working Life. 


The school day is structured and active, including many opportunities for physical activity and therapeutic input. All of our classes are small; no more than three students and a one to one staff ratio where appropriate. Students have individualised timetables which are informed by their education, health and care plan (EHCP) and by an understanding of their own individual learning style. Where necessary staff are skilled in using a wide range of visual supports and prompts. Autism specific awareness is central to the delivery of teaching and learning and all students have Individual Development Plans (IDPs) which are regularly reviewed.


Our students all access the national curriculum and most sit at least 8 GCSEs, some accessing the highest grades. We also offer a wide range of accredited courses for example through WJEC Entry Pathways in Independent Living and Preparing for Working Life and  Post-16 students may remain within the school to continue their studies and we can currently offer A levels in English, Media Studies, Maths, Geography, Chemistry, and Art.


Whinfell School are also delighted to announce the opening of a new KS2 curriculum and are now assessing learners. 


Top Quotation

The staff are brilliant. Before any learning really began, teachers got to know me as a person, which is important as it allowed me to feel comfortable. I also like the fact everything is on a first-name basis, which again allowed me to relax and be more open about things. Care-staff were pretty much the same. I felt like I was being listened to and people actually cared about what I was saying which, apart from my parents and close family, was something I’d never experienced.


Teachers were patient with me. They gave me assessments to help them understand how I work, the rate of which I work and what I already knew in each respective subject. This patience has continued throughout my time here. Because of the small class size and approachability of the teachers, it’s easy to ask any questions without worrying about getting judged or feeling stupid.


- Student (Read Jack's story in his own words here.)

Bottom Quotation 

Our young people have access to:

✓ English Language

✓ English Literature

✓ Maths

✓ Science

✓ Hospitality and Catering

✓ Geography

✓ Humanities

✓ International Certification of Digital Literacy

✓ Art

✓ PE

✓ Social Skills

✓ Drama

✓ Citizenship

✓ Relationship & Sex Education

✓ Therapeutic Outdoor Learning

✓ Personal Social and Health Education


✓ Independence Programme

✓ Work Experience and Enterprise

✓ Therapeutic and Clinical Interventions

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Benefits of Therapeutic Outdoor Learning

Research and evidence increasingly suggests many benefits of spending time in the natural world for young people’s psychological and physical well-being, including:


  • Reduced stress
  • Better concentration
  • Improved feelings of well-being
  • Independence
  • Problem solving skills
  • Self-discipline
  • Team work
  • Development of social skills


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