Specialist Education

Clinical and Therapeutic Support

At Whinfell School we benefit from having a closely integrated multi-disciplinary team that includes:


• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

• Psychology (education and clinical where needed)

• Speech and Language Therapy

• Occupational Therapy

• Psychiatry


The team informs the waking curriculum and the environment around each young person. We have a solution-focussed approach and concentrate on developing emotional self-regulation and resilience.


We focus on the development of personal, social, communication and living skills and deliver through an informed Individual Development Plan for each young person.


See below information about Cat Bradshaw's role as Speech and Language Therapist at Cambian Whinfell School. Cat explains how she supports our students with their communication skills:


"My role as a Speech and Language therapist (SaLT) at Whinfell is to support students with their communication and social interaction needs.  I do this by assessing each student’s unique communication abilities and challenges, designing individualised therapy plans to enhance speech, language, and non-verbal communication skills. I also work closely with teachers and care staff to implement strategies that support functional communication and understanding of language, whether through verbal speech, visuals such as Social Stories, or strategies to support understanding and working memory.


I can also support students with their social interaction skills, such as understanding emotions, turn-taking, and conversational cues, which are essential for building relationships and navigating daily life. Additionally, I can provide training and guidance to staff, ensuring consistency in communication approaches across different environments. My work is to improve students’ ability to express themselves across a range of settings and develop their language abilities, this can also assist in boosting the student’s confidence, independence skills, and well-being".