Specialist Education

Formal Pathway

Key Stage 3 is a crucial and exciting part of a child’s education. Our students are exposed to new people, new ways of working, new subjects and new challenges.


At Spring Hill, we are proud of the progression our students make through Key Stage 3 and the opportunities they have open to them. In the classroom, students have the opportunity to study Art, ICT, Technology and Humanities in addition to Music, Maths, English, Science and PSHE remain a core focus of our curriculum too, as we prepare young people for their transition to Year 10 and their GCSE years. We offer a variety of GCSE’s, BTEC’s, Unit Awards and other qualifications that enable all our young people to achieve at their own level before moving on to their chosen Post 16 provision. All students receive regular, high-quality independent careers advice and we tailor ‘A’ level opportunities for young people who are able to access these.


Semi-Formal Pathway

Our semi-formal curriculum offer aims to develop core subject knowledge and skills, as well as developing equally important life skills. We offer a variety of lessons including Literacy, Maths and Science with the addition of our Quality of Life days. Students accessing this pathway have been identified as needing to develop skills in context and will access a range of opportunities to develop money-handling skills, social skills and road safety awareness within the local community.


Our students get to experience and learn how to use public transport and how to plan for, shop for and cook delicious meal’s together. They will swim on a weekly basis and engage in PE or Outdoor Education on a twice weekly basis. The creative curriculum is delivered in the form of Enterprise, Music and Computing lessons.

All of the above is delivered in a therapeutic environment which aims to cater for all our learners needs. Timetables are structured to capitalise on engagement with academic lessons a focus in the morning, and afternoons are low demand and relaxed. Sensory breaks happen throughout the day to help students to engage positively in their learning and support them to develop friendships.


Outside the Classroom

School sporting trips, showcase mornings and educational visits are all part of school life. Our Student Council allow students to experience planning, voting, democracy and presenting in a
way in which they won’t have experienced before. All of this and more form part of an exciting diet of activities and experiences for all students to access. Parents will receive regular communication home in the form of a weekly report to inform you of how your child is progressing.

All young people have the opportunity to participate in on campus/off site outdoor activities including mountain bikes, orienteering, horticulture, horse riding, walking and forest school pursuits.

Our Transitions/Careers team begin work to encourage students to consider what education and work pathways they may like to move on to in the future.


Post-16 Pathway

The 16-19 curriculum at Spring Hill is designed to be flexible, to enable learners to exercise some choice in their learning and, by delivering it in a variety of community settings, to allow learning to be fully contextualized wherever possible.


The curriculum for each learner includes maths, English, ICT, personal and social development skills, vocational skills, careers/transition planning and is delivered in a way which allows for the embedding and transition of skills into real life settings. Students are offered opportunities to gain qualifications at an appropriate level to support their long term aims.


Our young people have the chance to access local colleges/other provision e.g. Askham Bryan where courses and levels of support are tailored following discussion with the young person and their family or carer. Developing levels of independence is fundamental to support successful transition to adulthood so we promote use of local community facilities such as Leisure Centre’s, the library and active involvement in celebrations such as Remembrance Days, for example. Learning in the classroom is developed further by experiencing ‘real life’ opportunities such as using a timetable to catch a bus or buying food for catering lessons.

"I love the activities we get to do at school, especially Trampolining and Basketball."

– Student C


"I love the friends that I have made at school and the support I get from the staff. I know who to ask if I have any problems."

– Student G


"…the curriculum is finely tuned to meet individual needs of pupils."

– Ofsted, October 2021


"YP is doing well and is one of our more confident cadets. We are grateful for his attendance."

– Local PCSO, Police Cadets


"Pupils’ personal development is pivotal to their education. The curriculum is enriched by opportunities to develop pupils’ self-esteem and self-confidence."

– Ofsted, October 2021


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