Spring Hill School

Localised news and information you may find useful:


➜  Term Dates 2024/2025

➜  Term Dates 2025/2026


Resources for parents

➜  The Go-To-Emotional wellbeing and mental health

➜  Accelerated Reader for Parents

➜  Inspecting Non-Association Independent Schools - Parents Leaflet

➜  Letter to Students from Ofqual's Chief Regulator

➜  North Yorkshire Children Safeguarding Partnership

➜  National Autistic Society - Safeguarding Young People


Guides for Parents - websites, social media and apps

➜  The internet, relationships and you

➜  Talking to your Child about Online Sexual Harassment Online Guide

➜  Parents Guide - Snapchat

➜  Snapchat Privacy and Safety Checklist

➜  What Parents and Carers need to know about Spotify

➜  Parents Guide - Pokemon Go

➜  Parental Control for Apps - IPhone

➜  Parental Control for Apps - Android

➜  Wellbeing Apps for Kids 

Parents Booklet

➜ National Online Safety: Social Media Scams

➜ Online Autism Support for Parents

➜ Online ADHD Resources and Links


Support for Parents



➜  Internet Matters

➜  Parent Zone

➜  Childnet

➜  Parents Protect

➜  A-Z Index For Schools and Curriculum

➜  Safeguarding Children

 Online Support for Anxiety, Anger and School Refusal

➜ Solihull Parenting Courses  


Cambian Spring Hill School takes online safety very seriously and subscribes to the National Online Safety forum. We are delighted to be able to give all of our parents and carers access to free updates and learning modules, webinars and guides on a variety of topics that are designed to help maintain staying safe online. We hope you take full advantage of this fantastic opportunity which also further strengthen our home/school partnership. Find out more via the link below:


➜  National Online Safety Mobile App


Quick Links


➜  Reports

➜  Policies

➜  Arrange a Visit

➜  Enquiries