Useful information for students, teachers, parents, carers and employers
At Cambian New Elizabethan School (CNES), we provide a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme for each key stage. Our aim is to raise aspirations and equip our students with knowledge and understanding, skills and attitudes as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning.
The planned programme of study helps our students to understand their interests, strengths, and challenges in relation to the world of work and lifelong education. Students also learn about different careers and opportunities for training, apprenticeships, and volunteering.
If you would like any further advice on CNES’s career programme, local colleges, work experience or careers advice please contact Sam Allen-Wiggin (Pathway to Adulthood Coordinator/Careers Advisor)
Further information on how we implement our careers programme can be found in our Policy and Procedure on Ready for Life.
Careers Curriculum
Our career programme is tailored to meet the needs of our students at each key stage. At KS2 careers education is embedded across the curriculum, and for KS3 and KS4 students complete a half termly scheme of work in the Spring term.
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Completed as an OCN Level 1/Entry Level 3 Progression Unit |
KS4 Options
All students at Key Stage 4 follow a core curriculum of Maths, English and Science; in addition, they will study two additional courses which will be chosen towards the end of Year 9. To support our students with choosing their options, they along with their parents/careers are provided with information to ensure they make the right choices to suit their interests, strengths and potential career aspirations.
Careers Advice
All of our Year 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and where appropriate Year 9 students, are given independent careers advice by a qualified CEIAG advisor on an annual basis. Students can then use the feedback from these interviews to consider their further education and employment options.
Work Experience
Work experience is an important part of the educational entitlement of students at CNES. All students in KS4/KS5 where appropriate, are given the opportunity to complete a work experience placement, which may be either internal within the school environment or with a business in the local area. Where appropriate, students are supported on placement by CNES staff.
If you are an employer and can offer a work experience placement, please contact Sam Allen-Wiggin (Pathway to Adulthood Coordinator/Careers Advisor)
Destination Data
CNES’s destination data identifies where our students go onto when they leave at the end of Years 11, 12,13 or 14. We track and record the destination of our students for three years after they have left us and the information displayed below is reflective of their situation in the current academic year.
The most recent destination data is from the 2024/25 academic year and records current education/training/employment status for each student.
Local college websites
Useful career information websites:
Career Pilot: Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study
Career Pilot is a free and comprehensive digital platform, specialising in careers guidance for young people in schools and colleges.
National Careers Service:
The National Careers Service provides, free and impartial careers advice, information, and guidance to anyone aged 13+ across all stage of the careers journey.
Target Careers:
TARGET careers aim to help young people make choices about their future. They provide information and advice on the range of career possibilities and identify routes into them.
National Apprenticeship Website:
This website is a government run and funded website that supports young people through finding and applying for apprenticeships.
Barclays Skills For Life:
Barclays Life Skills offers resources and advice in order to prepare young people for the future workplace.
icould uses personal stories to inform and inspire young people’s career choices. The site features over 1000 videos of real people talking about their careers – explaining their job role, career path and how different factors have shaped their choices.
Not Going to Uni:
Not Going to Uni helps school and college leavers to make informed decisions about their future by showing the opportunities that exist outside of the traditional university route. These can include apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, gap years, traineeships and jobs.