Hill House School

Localised news and information you may find useful:


  Term Dates 2024/2025

  Term Dates 2025/2026


In the event of an emergency, all parents, carers, and social workers will be notified directly as soon as possible.  If the school main phone line is unavailable e.g. during a power outage, the key contact will be the Principal who will be responsible for all aspects of communication. 


Emergency contact number: 07834 328501


Please remember that our first priority is to protect all of our young people, visitors, and staff to ensure they are safe and well.



Kate Landells, Head Teacher Testimonial Image

"We are so pleased with the Outstanding Judgement from Ofsted - in particular their view that 'Through a wide range of activities including training, visits and work placements in the community, this school is changing attitudes towards pupils who experience significant difficulties'. This means a great deal."

Kate Landells, Head Teacher

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We are delighted that Hill House School has once again been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.

"The school encourages pupils to let their personalities shine. Staff help pupils to share their interests, and they find out what they do well.

This helps everyone to develop a sense of identity. For example, at tutor times, everyone enjoys taking a moment to celebrate each other’s interests and share their favourite songs." 

Hill House School Ofsted Education Report - March 2024


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