Specialist Education

This room named ‘Outside In’ is because of the choice of colours and texture and is designed for our learners to develop and work on their sensory based motor skills.


It is a space built with play in mind and focusses on non-directed play using movement, through the muscles and joints to get the most out of our vestibular, proprioceptive, visual, and tactile sensory systems to further develop skills such as core strength, balance, praxis, posture and motor control.


Outside In allows young people to explore, relax, climb, and swing, whilst being multi-purpose and adaptive. The room can change to suit individual learners needs.


A climbing wall, a Swedish climbing frame and a balance beam are the main features, whilst other equipment complement this equipment to provide a multi- sensory space for all to enjoy.


Outside In will also be used as a space for specialist and targeted therapy to take place, whilst the room can also form part of each young person’s individual timetables. 


The ambition is to build a bank of up to 100 activities to do in this space, which can be mixed and matched depending on the needs of each learner.


Outside In Photo Collage