Specialist Education

Bringing history to life- Drama workshop: The workshop began with some horrible histories themed games like ‘spot the difference’ and ‘names using Hieroglyphics’. Students enjoyed it a lot and learnt how to write their name using hieroglyphics.


After that, we watched the Horrible histories’ Christmas special- ‘Horrible Christmas’ in the first session. We discussed some aspects of the enactment, camera angles, setting and screen colours. In the second session, we did a crown decoration activity. Students selected a crown for themselves and decorated it to create props for the Horrible Histories’ Christmas song performance later.


Students had fun and showed their creative side. Next, to be able to perform the songs correctly students learnt how to analyse a song and metalanguage related to a song. We came together as a group and did a matching activity for the key terms. For rest of the session, we performed Christmas songs by horrible histories. All the students participated and engaged well.


Mahima Sharma