Find out more
Cambian Pengwern College is inspected by Estyn, the education and training inspectorate for Wales. Its function is to provide an independent inspection and advice service on quality and standards in education.
See below for the latest reports for Pengwern College:
➜ Estyn - Annual Monitoring Inspection 2024
➜ Estyn - Inspection Report 2023
➜ CIW - Inspection Report 2023 - Welsh
➜ CIW - Inspection Report 2023 - English
Cambian Pengwern College Policies
Pengwern College operate within statutory requirements in the educational, health and care arena. There is a policy review cycle that means that our policies are constantly under review and amended at regular intervals. Key localised policies can also be found below:
➜ Complaints Policy and Procedure
➜ English as an Additional Language Policy
➜ Group Equality & Diversity Policy
➜ Recruitment & Selection Policy
➜ Safeguarding - Child Protection Policy - under review
➜ Whistleblowing Policy - Raising a Concern Procedure
Complaints Procedure
We know there will be times when students, carers, parents or placing authorites will want to give us feedback about our college and we will always be happy to hear from you. If you feel that you would like to make a suggestion, let us know about something you were pleased with, or tell us we did not meet your expectations, please contact the school via the details on the main page. A complaints procedure allows for both formal and informal complaints.
Informal complaints can be dealt with quickly, while formal complaints should be made in writing. Our full complaints policy is available above or from the school on request. This policy is designed to help you raise concerns and ensures your complaint will be dealt with fairly. Should you wish to take your complaint further or if you feel you are unable to discuss the details with the school, please contact the Director of Education here, especially if your complaint relates to the school leadership.
The Proprietor
The proprietor of the school is Farouq Sheikh, Chair of the CareTech Board.
The Chair of Governance is Graham Norris.
The representative of the Proprietor of the school, whose address for correspondence during both term times and holidays, is: Andrew Sutherland, Director of Education, Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1AG. The representative of the proprietor may be contacted here.