Our accommodation provides the necessary step between leaving home and community living
Find out moreCambian Pengwern College offers various opportunities for external accreditation through the Qualifications and Credits Framework (QCF).
We provide flexible routes to full qualifications and offer units of study from pre-entry to entry level 3, leading to awards, certificates and diplomas.
Our programmes of study allows the student to develop skills in a number of areas; it gives greater choice and more flexibility allowing it to be bespoke to the individual needs of the student.
Self-esteem is essential to young people progressing into adulthood encouraging a passion for learning and broadening their horizons. By offering the opportunity to undertake nationally recognised vocational qualifications, we help young people gain confidence and to lead socially active and engaged lives.
We also offer options to improve literacy, numeracy and/or communication skills, such as the use of Makaton, communication in print, Grid player and Proloquo2go, with additional opportunities for work experience.
The core curriculum is complemented by a range of enrichment activities that enable students to develop new friendships and interests. They can choose from a variety of activities including:
✓ Arts & crafts
✓ Bowling
✓ Cycling
✓ Dance
✓ Digital Skills
✓ Enterprise
✓ Food and Drink Service
✓ Football
✓ Forest Craft
✓ Grow Your Own
✓ Gym
✓ Home Cooking
✓ Keep Fit
✓ Music
✓ Pony Care
✓ Sewing
✓ Swimming
✓ Hydrotherapy
Students are encouraged and supported to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles, with a focus on positive social and emotional well-being.
Students take an active role in planning the weekly menu for their accommodations. Strong emphasis is placed on giving learners the knowledge and support to make food choices which contribute to a healthy diet. Shopping for food is an integral part of the practical life skills curriculum that gives learners the opportunity to learn about food labelling and to select healthy options when out in the community.
Our catering team also provides balanced healthy meals and snacks, served from the college canteen.
Work Placements for students at Pengwern College
Every student has the opportunity to undertake internal or external work placements as part of their individualised learning programme.
Work experience opportunities and individual long-term goals are discussed with each learner and work placements arranged to meet their specific needs.
Students attend weekly work experience throughout the academic year; with targets agreed and reviewed regularly during the placement to support progress. Learning focuses on the development of practical and vocational skills that can be implemented in the wider community. Areas of work include but are not limited to animal care, catering, hospitality, beauty and gardening. Such activities and placements have proven very effective in increasing young people’s confidence in life after college.