Cambian Pengwern College

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➜  Term Dates 2025/2026

➜  Term Dates 2024/2025


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Cambian Pengwern College News & Events


➜  Comic Relief - Cycling For Charity

➜  One Ocean Day Sessions

➜  Pottery - birds in flight

➜  World Book Day

➜  Safer Internet Day

➜  Blue Planet Aquarium

➜  Rhyl Rugby Club

➜  Conservation at Christmas campaign

➜  College bikes and trikes 

➜  Remembrance Day

➜  Student Council

➜  ROA and Fun Day 

➜  Armed Forces Day 

➜  Football Tournament

➜  Christmas Party 2023

➜  Oak Tree in Memory of Graham

➜  Sports Day Fun

➜  Record Of Achievement Awards 2022

➜  Bugs Royale 

➜  Farewell to Rachel

➜  A 'Royally-Themed' Celebration

➜  Student Council Focus

➜  Assessment Day at Pengwern College!

➜  Making use of Makaton!

➜  Student Voice

➜  Active 8!

➜  Pengwern College Gives Students Peace of Mind!

➜  Pengwern College & Target Activities

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Quick Links


➜  Reports

➜  Policies

➜  Arrange a Visit

➜  Enquiries


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