Students have access to a wide variety of work experience placements through the wide range of connections Cambian Dilston College has with local employers. Staff work closely with students to help them identify work related targets, reflect on their work experience placement and plan for their next step.
Students have the opportunity to experience a wide range of work experience and volunteering opportunities including:
✓ Land Base
✓ Conservation
✓ Retail
✓ Catering & Hospitality
✓ Heritage
✓ Animal Care
Careers Statement
The young people who attend Dilston College need a planned programme of activities throughout their college years to enable them to make choices that are right for them, and to prepare them for adulthood and the ‘world of work.’
To achieve this, Dilston College will provide an individualised and tailored careers programme to our students, alongside the opportunity to access careers education, impartial information, advice and guidance.
This may include (where appropriate):-
- Comprehensive and impartial one to one guidance interview
- Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education, life skills, employability skills
- Access to careers resources – iCould, Buzz Quiz
- An encounter with an employer each year
- Enterprise activities
- Access to Labour Market Information resources
- CV preparation and mock interviews
- Work experience opportunities – internal/supported and external
- Advice on destinations from the Transitions Team and job coaches
- Information on destinations shared and discussed in annual reviews
- Transition visits to next destination
- Careers days
- Posters and displays
- Visits to a workplace
- Attendance at Careers Fairs/employer events
- Opportunity to achieve a recognised award eg Duke of Edinburgh
- Open and taster days at other educational settings