Read about the success stories and positive outcomes we've had including student's achievements.
Find out moreLocalised news and information you may find useful:
➜ Student Term Dates 2025/2026
➜ Student Term Dates 2024/2025
This report tells you whether we are meeting the standards set by the Department for Education, to deliver high quality information, advice and guidance to our students.
➜ The Matrix Standard Annual Continuous Improvement Check
E-Safety Guides
➜ Social Media & Mental Health
➜ Facebook
➜ Snapchat
➜ Tik Tok
➜ YouTube
Our students are supported to use their own devices such as mobile phones and tablets that allow them access to social media and online options. Student safety is of paramount importance throughout and careful monitoring and support is undertaken by staff to ensure that all students understand how to keep themselves and others safe.
If you have any concerns regarding student safety online please contact the college direct and speak to one of our Safeguarding leads Kirsty Davison or Carol Brown.