Residential Services

At Dunbroch school we have been fortunate enough to have sessions done by Premier Education!


On 23rd January coach Jordan, come into school and we got to experience something new, soft archery. The students haven’t been very keen on PE lessons, so our fantastic PE teacher, Cierran, has been exploring different ways to make it exciting and get the students involved to which he has!!


One of our students absolutely loved getting involved and you could see from the expression and excitement shown that they thoroughly enjoyed it.


Students and staff had a little competition to see who could hit 50 points first and of course the staff got showed up by the student to which they found extremely funny, afterwards they had a great chat with Jordan about how much fun they had and they discussed how they would like to continue with the sessions!


Next week they would like to have a go at Fencing! We can’t wait to see what that brings!


Premier Education Photo Collage