Specialist Education

How to arrange support from school

It is important that the school your child attends follows through and ensures that they can provide the best education and support.


Your LA will have completed an EHC assessment for you, ensuring that all the special needs facilities can be made available for your child at their chosen school/college.


Schools will identify and support your child with SEN or a disability and will decide the SEN support required as outlined in the EHCP, or from their own school resources.

It is important to speak to the members of staff that will be able to provide you with the most guidance, e.g. SENCo or a teaching assistant; they will also be able to update you on your child's progress. Schools will record what SEN they have identified the child as having, the outcomes they expect the child to achieve with the special education provision and the provisions that have been put in place to reach the goals outlined in the SEN support record.


If the school feels they cannot meet a child's needs, they should suggest an EHC assessment. They should also inform the LA if they do not have the expertise or the funding to fully provide support to the child's requirements, or if the school is aware of the child's needs and what support should be available, but they cannot cater to those requests.

In these circumstances, if the school has fully informed the LA of the situation, they must agree to carry out an EHC assessment and find alternative solutions.


Your child has the right to an education in a mainstream school or college with fellow peers learning the same curriculum as they do. However, some children or young people cannot always be educated in a school or college and may need to be home schooled or educated elsewhere. They would be responsible for continuing to fund that SEN provision.


If you choose to educate your child at home, the LA is not liable for securing any special education provision as specified in the child's EHCP, as the parents are making alternative arrangements.


For children above 16, The Children and Families Act 2014 highlights a new category of school, 'Section 41 School'. This has been specifically arranged to make provision and provide support for young people with SEN that have chosen this status. Parents of the young person can request a school or college mentioned in their EHCP.


For more information or advice, contact us here, or call 0161 507 3723.


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Foster Parent Suitability Questionnaire

Some basics to become a foster parent

Here are a few questions to help you discover whether fostering is right for you and what we need from our foster parents.

1. I have a spare bedroom for a foster child

2. I will be available to care for a child full time

3. I am over 25 years old

4. I have a stable, positive home to offer a child

5. I am a patient, resilient and understanding person

Foster Parent Suitability Questionnaire

Becoming a professional foster parent

We regard fostering as a profession. Therefore we'll treat you as a professional - we'll provide great pay, support and training. In return we expect our foster parents to provide a high standard of care for our children. 

I want a professional career in fostering and am happy to undertake ongoing training

Foster Parent Suitability Questionnaire

The challenges of fostering

Fostering is life changing and rewarding work. It can also be challenging at times but our foster parents tell stories of the great satisfaction they gain with our expert support. 

I understand that some children in fostering may have challenging behaviour due to the experiences they may have had

Foster Parent Suitability Questionnaire

Working as part of a team

As a foster parent we require you to work as part of the By the Bridge team but also with social workers, teachers and health workers to help support the child.

I am able to talk and listen to young people, aswell as working part of a team to help support them