Specialist Education

Lords 27th June 2024


Following from our regional table cricket win at Durham, Whinfell were one of the 12 regional winners to compete at Lords in the national final. With a 10 am start the team were woken at 5 am ready to make our way to London. Despite some very tired young people, they all travelled well and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the London underground. Due to train delays we arrived a little late but this did not interfere with our performance.


First was the group stage, with 3 wins we knew the next game was important, it came down to the last over and a disagreement between the umpires meant that we had to wait to see if we had won our 4th and final game of the group. One last bat from Jacob secured us the game. With 4 wins in our group games we knew we were in the top section, once the scores had been totalled we then played our final game to secure 3rd or 4th position.


All boys played exceptionally well but unfortunately, we were beaten by the better team. Whilst the boys appeared a little disappointed we had to remind ourselves that we were 4th across the entire UK. Prior to the awards ceremony the team were lucky enough to meet some cricket celebrities and also TV star Matt Lucas.


The team were then awarded with their 4th place medals and certificates and then Noah was awarded the player of the tournament and received at glass trophy! A fantastic day was had by all.