We love to speak about stories of success and the brilliant work our team do. Success can be measured in many different ways and our goal is to support the students in our care and bring out the best in them.
Zain's Journey
Meet Zain and his watch his progress since joining Hill House School:
This has absolutely made my day! J is such an amazing boy – I cannot quite take in that he has managed to do this, especially since last time I saw him he became quite distressed over something so insignificant be comparison. His parents must be over the moon.
Your team are honestly so insightful and skilled. The lengths you have all gone to, to really understand his journey, his experience of many traumatic events and how best to help him with these is exceptional.
What I witnessed, at last visit, in another setting, would have been hugely traumatic for J.
He needed the additional physical support around him, as he became so overwhelmed with his thoughts and feelings that I could feel that tornado building inside him. Staff came very quickly to support when called on the radio and read the situation very quickly.
I did not get the sense of an oppressive controlling intervention, but more of a gentle but firm protective and well-rehearsed system of interconnected roles, intuitively moving into place, a switching positions, quietly and using soothing language to promote a feeling of safety and not fear.
He was able to answer questions when asked and did not become hurt; staff anticipated things, like removing keys before he would see them, moving the sofa forward and placing a hand between his head and the wall. I also felt completely safe, despite standing only feet away, slightly out of his line of vision. The composure and calmness of the staff really made a difference in enable the episode to be managed quickly for J.
In the past, J would have 3 or 4 of these a day in his previous school, and at home, and he was never supported to feel safe. They would follow in quick succession suggesting that a full de-escalation was not being managed properly and he was not left feeling safe. I was very happy to see, a short time later, J happily playing with water, smiling and happy to tolerate me nearby with just one member of his care team present".
Please can you pass on my thanks and admiration to all the team who supported J on the day of my visit, and everyone in the overall team who have prepared and planned so well for today.
- Social Worker
"My daughter seems to have coped so well even through the difficulty of lockdown. This has been a particularly challenging time for us as a family, especially since she has only been at Hill House School for a month when the restrictions kicked in.
Relying on Skype calls was upsetting, without being able to understand exactly what she was feeling or thinking; we were very concerned that she would forget who we all were!
However, my daughter certainly seems to have thrived at Hill House School, and now that things are gradually getting back to 'normal' with home and school visits, we feel that she has two homes. She recognises everything when she comes back to Bath and slips back into the routine of home life. Furthermore, she is relaxed and happy to return to school after home visits, which is lovely to see. Thank you so much for your support!"
- Parent
"All staff are approachable and helpful. It is one of the strongest points. We always feel informed and would not hesitate to call about anything".
- Parent
"I have never seen my son present so calm and engaged. He looked really well. Thank you!".
- Parent
"The teaching methods used are very appropriate to meet the child's need. The staff are always very approachable and willing to take the time to discuss any areas of the child's development or social care".
- Local Authority Representative
"I feel the school works very well with the parents and myself to achieve the best outcome for the young person concerned. I receive weekly updates which provide good information on day to day issues".
- Local Authority Representative
"Our son is mostly calm and happy now. You can see by the way he interacts with all his carers and staff that this is his home".
- Parent, Hill House School
"We feel privileged to have become a part of Hill House School. Our son's life, and ours, has been fulfilled and calm since he joined".
- Parent, Hill House School