Specialist Education

Cambian Brook View School's Curriculum

We have a flexible approach to learning, personalising the curriculum and teaching groups to meet students’ individual learning needs and abilities.


Cambian Brook View School supports pupils by providing them with the opportunity to learn and develop in a supportive and creative environment in which there is particular focus on recognising achievement and supporting progression.


In addition to the academic curriculum, individualised timetables provide opportunities for pupils to withdraw from some lessons to participate in therapy sessions with the Speech and Language Therapist.  The curriculum is enriched by educational trips and visits, local community links and opportunities within the timetable to engage with new experiences e.g. music workshops, gardening and educational visits.

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Our focus on the Creative Curriculum has developed an innovative approach to the way we meet the special and often challenging needs of pupils. Our ‘Visual Timetable’ is typical of this approach, created to ensure pupils understand their daily routines.


Classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art education technology such as interactive touch screens and iPads which you would expect to find in any modern school. Many of our specialist facilities support the sensory diet requirements of pupils, that is, sight, sound, touch and smell to develop their senses, co-ordination and communication, promoting interaction, concentration, calmness and confidence.


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Qualifications include:

✓ Arts Award

✓ ASDAN Literacy 

✓ ASDAN Maths

✓ ASDAN  Science

✓ AQA Personal Development

✓ AQA Entry Level qualifications

✓ AQA Unit Awards

✓ AQA Functional Skills – entry to level 1

✓ OCR Functional Skills – entry to level 1

✓ BTEC up to level 2 – Vocational Skills

✓ Life skills entry / level 1

✓ Animal care – on site

✓ Employability skills entry / level 1

✓ Independent careers advice and work experience

✓ Dance with accreditation

✓ Food Technology

✓ Computing

✓ Music 

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GA Career Links work alongside school and organisations in the northwest, including the Careers & Enterprise Company - promoting the Gatsby benchmarks - preparing young people for the fast-changing world of work. Gemma has a national network that connects Schools & Colleges with employers and career programmes to create high-impact career opportunities for young people.

For more details click here.


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