Specialist Education


Cambian Brook View School

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Ward Green Lane, Preston, PR3 3YB

Phone: 01254 958579

Brook View

➜ Cambian Brook View School Prospectus 

➜ Orion Statement of Purpose

Orion Statement of Purpose Staffing List


Cambian Brook View School is an independent specialist day and residential school providing a high standard of education for students aged 8–19 years old with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related conditions.


Brook View Video Thumbnail


We are committed to supporting children and young people with achieving their personal best ensuring that pupils receive the same learning and social opportunities as other children; which we achieve by providing excellent facilities and a creative curriculum tailored to meet their needs. With dedicated staff, a unique approach and purpose built facilities; we provide a supportive, safe and happy environment where all young people make the progress regardless of ability level.


Cambian have a comprehensive referral, assessment and transition process to ensure successful placements of students with a programme of study to meet their needs and a bespoke package of care that enables students to develop and grow into functional young people in society.




"Since coming to Brook View, everything has been improving with Joe, his speech and confidence in particular. I can see that he’s confident with the staff, he’s now asking for things and they’re encouraging him use his own voice which has never happened before.


Before Joe came here, he’d been out of education for 18 months and now he’s at school full time. They’ve built Joe up slowly and it’s brilliant - to go from nothing to full time is huge! He’s so settled here, and with all the staff team. It’s only been six months but it feels like much longer. It’s more than I could wish for. It’s a beautiful home, it’s so cozy and non-clinical and I feel comfortable when I’m there. Everyone is so welcoming. 


Joe has a voice and a choice, and he’s got a life after living in limbo. He’s living his best life, no doubt about it. He didn’t travel well before, now he’s on the bus, down to the seaside. He’s got everything he could want, he does everything he could want to do. It’s just perfect, the house is beautiful. Everyone has put a lot of thought into making it a brilliant, beautiful space and home. Joe is gaining so many life skills and staff are working with him every day to promote his independence - now I think the sky is the limit!


They give him the options, choices, they encourage him to do different things. The staff are phenomenal, the care team in particular, I can’t praise them enough. Because they’ve all taken the time to get to know Joe, they understand him. From a parent’s point of view, that’s massive. The staff have parental instincts, they’re good at observing him and understanding what is normal for him and what isn’t. When he got ill they knew when Joe couldn’t verbalise it to them.


We were recently able to all meet up in Blackpool, we went trampolining with Joe’s siblings. They were seeing their brother out in a public, open environment which they weren’t able to do before. They all got to interact, and Joe was given the option to go do something really amazing. It’s brilliant."


 - Andrea, Joe's Mother



The Proprietor

The proprietor of the school is Farouq Sheikh, Chair of the CareTech Board. 

The representative of the Proprietor of the school, whose address for correspondence during both term times and holidays, is: Andrew Sutherland, Director of Education, Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1AG. 


Student Profile

✓ Mixed gender, age 8-19 years

✓ Primary diagnosis of Autism

✓ Complex Needs

✓ Challenging Behaviour

✓ Learning Difficulties

✓ History of placement breakdowns

✓ Has an Education, Health & Care Plan

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