Specialist Education

Southlands School

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Vicar's Hill, Boldre, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 5QB (Map)

Phone: 01590 675350

Southlands V2

➜ Southlands School Prospectus (Download)


Southlands School is co-education specialist day and residential school with a registered children’s home. Southlands School is an Ofsted 'Outstanding' rated school. 


Meet Alison Priddle, Principal of the school, as she cheerfully and proudly shares the news of their latest Ofsted Report, and what this means for the school and students across education and residential care.



The majority of our young people have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) with their primary special need being ASD and require support to access education, have difficulty initiating or limited social interactions and need support with organisation and problem solving, which can hamper independence. They may typically be working at or above age-related expectations or with moderate learning difficulties.


Keyworker support


Each young person has an allocated keyworker, whom liaises with the family and the young person on the home. The keyworker is a trusted key adult for the young person. They keyworker helps to develop independence skills, pursue hobbies and introduce new hobbies or any activities the young person would like to try, understand the wider community and help build relationships and make friends.

The Proprietor

The proprietor of the school is Farouq Sheikh, Chair of the CareTech Board. 

The representative of the Proprietor of the school, whose address for correspondence during both term times and holidays, is: Andrew Sutherland, Director of Education, Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 1AG. 


Governance at Southlands School

Southlands School is committed to maintaining a high standard of governance to ensure we provide the best possible educational and residential environment for our students. The school holds three governance meetings annually, which are crucial for strategic planning and oversight. Graham Norris, our Operations Director for Residential SEN, serves as the Chair of Governors. His leadership ensures that our governance practices are robust and effectively aligned with our goals. This structure supports our mission to foster a supportive and enriching learning experience for all.

Chair of Governors:  Graham Norris can be contacted at:  Graham.Norris@caretech-uk.com

Outstanding Logo For Banners In All Areas


Star No Text Outstanding - The quality of education

Star No Text Outstanding - Behaviour & attitudes

Star No Text Outstanding - Personal development 

Star No Text Outstanding - Leadership &                management





Student Profile

We are able to support and care for individuals with associated complex needs such as:


• Mixed gender, ages 7-19

• Language and social communication 

• Social, emotional and mental health needs

• Sensory integration and processing

• Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)

• Co-existing difficulties associated with ASD such as ADHD

• Heightened anxiety

• Selective mutism

• Self-harm

• Dyslexia

• Dyspraxia

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