Specialist Education

On the May Bank Holiday Monday, the second of our fund raising events was held – The Grateley Stomp.


There was a keen and energetic group of students and staff ready and willing to get their ‘stomp on!’.


Those who participated chose to either run or walk distances between 5km – 20km.


The students were really focussed with a significant number of them covering a distance of 20km which was really impressive.


We were incredibly proud of the students who took part – The sense of achievement they each felt was evident as they reached the finishing line.


The weather was kind to us as the sun was shining and we were able to complete the event before the heavens dramatically opened.


Our current fund raising for a defibrillator for our school has reached a fantastic total of £465.00. We are really grateful for all of the donations received – A MASSIVE thank you to those who have contributed.


Here is the link for anyone who would like to contribute: https://www.gofundme.com/f/buy-a-defibrillator-for-grateley-house-school


We now have one event left to hold… a GHS Bake Sale!




