Specialist Education

On Tuesday 21st May Mr Lopez and Mrs Kasperczuk decided that they would shake things up a little and move the last PE lesson of half term to somewhere a little different… Sandbanks beach in Poole, Dorset.


WOW! - What a fantastic setting to play volleyball! There is a sneaking suspicion that Mr Lopez may have watched Top Gun and used this as inspiration for this location.


During the half term the KS4 students had been practising and honing their volleyball playing skills, with games being played each week on the school parkland in preparation for this event.


Volleyball has been a sport that the students have clearly enjoyed as they have been positively and actively engaged within their PE lessons.


The match at Sandbanks was action packed with the students demonstrating their enhanced volley ball playing skills and techniques. They remained focussed during the match and the competition between the two teams was fierce.


Well done KS4! This was a memorable learning experience enjoyed by all.


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Volley Ball 2

Volley Ball 3

Volley Ball 4

Volley Ball 5