Specialist Education

The school year’s fundraising began with our annual Jeans for Genes event in September.


On Wednesday 18th September assembly set the scene, explaining science facts and the importance of how just a tiny mutation in an individual’s genetic make-up can cause a genetic disorder.


Details of the effects of cystic fibrosis were then presented by Elliott (Year 10), and Oscar (Year 7 ) read details of how the money raised is used to help medical research as well as supporting children and their families. Both these participating students were brilliant in their confident delivery. The assembly concluded by informing all students how they could support and help to raise funds.


We had the popular non-uniform day on Friday 20th September together with the first of the Grateley bake sales, which sold tasty treats prepared by students in Food Technology lessons, (with thanks to Mrs Wilson and team), supplemented by offerings from staff and families. Orderly queues were formed at break time as students spent their money on the good range of offerings, with prices to suit every pocket.


This year in addition to the non-uniform day and bake sale, we used the Just Giving site for those who wished to contribute online and our final total exceeded all previous years, reaching £220 – absolutely amazing for such a small school (obviously, a school with a big appetite for sweet treats!)


So, a big THANK YOU to all who contributed.