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Our students make good progress in all aspects of learning, whether it is social, emotional, behavioual or academic.
We offer a range of qualifications including:
- GCSE's (Core + Options)
- Vocational Qualifications with NCFE (Sport, Food & Cookery, Creative Crafts, Business and Occupational Studies) - Levels 1 to 3
- ASDAN Qualifications
- Information Technology (OCR Creative iMedia) Level 1 & 2
- AQA Unit Awards
- Entry Level
- Functional Skills (Literacy & Numeracy)
- Duke of Edinburgh Awards
- 'Bikeability' (Cycling Proficiency) Level 1 & 2
- Food Hygiene Certificate Level 2
- Sailing Certificate
In addition to academic attainment, students are provided with the opportunity to develop their full personal potential in the following areas:
- Physical health and wellbeing
- Independence, life skills and self-help
- Social acceptability
- Project-based learning
- Communication and social skills
- The development of relationships with adults and peers
- The ability to make informed choices
- Intellectual development and problem solving
- Spiritual, faith, moral, social, cultural and emotional fulfilment
- Positive self-esteem, self awareness and self confidence
- Leisure and self-occupations skills
- Work-based learning