Specialist Education

Rob joined Grateley House School in 2015; he started his career in year 7 and completed his studies in the school 6th Form eight years later in July 2023.

Rob had a complex presentation, an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), expressive language disorder, communication and interaction difficulties, poor self-help and life skills and a very limited attention and concentration span.


Over the years Rob had extensive input from the Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology teams in the school. During Key Stages 3 and 4 this largely comprised direct intervention and personalised therapy programmes but as he got older through acquiring more skills, confidence and independence his development was now able to be overseen by the care team in the residential setting.

Likewise, in his learning, Rob initially had a highly bespoke personalised curriculum but overtime was able to function and learn in larger groups of students.


During his time at Grateley his attendance and application to his studies was excellent and more recently he was able to transition to a mainstream environment (with continuing support from school staff) studying at a local college, completing courses in Health and Social Care, sports and practical building and construction skills.

A very active young person and a keen sportsman, he has become an integral part of the local rugby club enjoying both the social side as well as the on-field sport and competition.


Work experience has been a huge part of Rob’s journey, be that onsite in the school kitchen or in the community.


He has left the school this year to go onto a supported internship programme and supported living. He is keen to find full-time paid employment and is learning to drive to enhance his employability skills.


Rob leaves us as a confident young man, with a good set of self-help and independence skills, who wants to live in and contribute to his local community.


 *Name has been changed