Specialist Education

Luke joined Grateley House School in 2017 as a Year 7 student. He started  life in the Nurture Group, where students were taught most of their lessons in the one room, gradually adjusting to the school environment, before moving on when emotionally ready,  to the specialist subject teaching rooms in the school.

With a profile of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), anxiety disorder, sensory issues, demand avoidance, and communication and interaction difficulties, Luke was unable to integrate into a mainstream school.

Initially, it was also difficult for him at Grateley, frustrated by not being able to make friends, leading  to bouts of aggression and emotional breakdowns.

Overtime, with support from staff Luke learnt how to make and maintain friendships which in turn helped him to settle happily into the school.


During Luke’s five years at Grateley, he developed and flourished into a confident mature young man, confident enough to represent his peers on the Student Council, a reliable voice of reason.


Luke also developed an excellent set of skills which were reflected in his GCSE results, not least in science maths and IT where he had natural ability and flair. Luke achieved the grades to go onto a local 6th form college where computing will comprise the main focus of his college studies, university and likely future career.


Reflecting on his time at Grateley he said,


“I was diagnosed when I was young as having ASD. This caused me difficulties with my schooling and life in general but with the support from Grateley House School staff  and the school therapists, I have overcome a lot and am  now much better at managing my anxiety and sensory issues. I feel that I am ready to return to mainstream education.”


*Name has been changed