Specialist Education

Logan joined the school in October 2017. Throughout his early years Logan was often impacted by his anxieties and found Grateley life a challenge. However, some 7 years later we can now see a mature young man confident to express his opinions concerning world issues, with any audience who is keen to listen.


One of Logan’s strengths is that he remains true to his beliefs, he is also prepared to listen to others points of view.


After completing a range of GCSE subjects including gaining a grade 4 in Drama, Logan was keen to continue his learning at college. He was set on attending Wiltshire College and has just completed his third year, gaining Level 2 qualifications in ICT, Business and Music during this time.

This is a great achievement for a young man who was very anxious about transition from school to college. To his credit he worked incredibly hard to ‘stay the distance’ to achieve all these qualifications. In addition, he has recently completed a Level 1 in Maths as well as a full Level 2 Functional Skills certificate in English when in school.

Logan has been part of the fabric at Grateley and it will seem like a strange place without him; however, he is ready to leave and to fulfil a new chapter in his learning journey away from the school.

Logan will be remaining at Wiltshire College to independently study a Level 3 music course.


Whilst it is always sad to see students leave, Logan is now ready to do so.


We are immensely proud of Logan and all that he has achieved in his Grateley years.




At our Celebration Day Logan was awarded the Young Musician of the Year.