When we first met Daniel*
Prior to involvement with Cambian, Daniel had been known to CAMHS for 2 years from previous admissions to inpatient services. His history indicated that he had had developed psychotic symptoms following deaths within his family. His diagnosis was described as 'unspecified non-organic psychosis'.
When Daniel came to us
Daniel was admitted to Cambian Willows in November 2013. Following a period of assessment, it was determined that he didn't have a psychotic illness but had an anxiety-based disorder with traits of anxious avoidant personality. In February 2014, Daniel transferred to Trent Valley as a step towards returning home. Upon arriving at Trent Valley, Daniel's behaviour tended to follow a pattern where he would present as low in mood and describe feeling overwhelmed by his auditory hallocinations or 'voices'. There was also some self-harm.
Daniel's care
Staff would offer 1:1 support and remind him to utilise distraction techniques that he had learned at Cambian Willows. These periods of low mood would then be followed by gradual improvement and Daniel could be encouraged to engage in college or try voluntary work. Daniel met weekly with the assistant psychologist, to whom he stated that he was feeling anxious about starting a new study skills programme and taking public transport. He said that his anxiety, historically, had triggered a mental health relapse. Daniel was offered an intervention, involving regular 1:1 sessions with support staff, in order to pro-actively set himself goals and discuss his feelings of anxiety and low mood.
Daniel has been able to manage his levels of stress and anxiety around education with the support of staff. Daniel now attends a sports and leisure study programme for three days a week to work towards his goal of gaining an apprenticeship. He is independently using public transport around the city to access this. In addition to having completed employability modules and first aid training, he is currently working towards gaining his Functional Skills qualifications in literacy and mathematics - the equivalent of a GSCE grade C. He is also engaged in a variety of sporting activities as part of the course, reporting that he is feeling more body confident and has increased his level of fitness. He has even begun to forge relationships with peers at college and is described by tutors as engaging well with others.
*Name has been changed to protect identity