West Yorkshire
Kimberley house support young adults from the ages of 16 years with autism, learning difficulty and communication difficulties (deafness) and is open to both male and female – all young people are supported on a minimum 1-1 (12 hours daily) and shared sleepover staff (minimum 2 sleep staff per shift).
There is a good mixture of staff with different experiences and qualification, some staff have BSL as their first language.
All staff at kimberley house are trained in BSL (British Sign Language) and this is used on a daily basis to ensure the YP are included in all conversations and not excluded.
How we Support
The young people are supported to enhance their social, life and independent skills – this can be done using social stories, BSL, Makaton, PEC’s and other visual aids.
All young people are supported to do their own activity planners, get voluntary jobs (where appropriate), access higher education, try different activities and maintain both social friendships and family contact.
Staff ensure that the needs of the young people are always paramount, staff will use their professional relationships, de escalation skills to support the young people if they display behaviours that can challenge and all physical intervention is ALWAYS the last resort and least restrictive.
➜ A's Journey at Kimberley House
Kimberley house is located in Elland – Halifax – this is just a few miles from the major cities/towns of Huddersfield, Leeds/Bradford and has good transport link