Our team of specialist carers are led by a Registered Manager and all have considerable experience in working directly with young people who have communication difficulties and behaviourial problems.
We have a very high ratio of staff to young people with up to three carers on duty at any one time plus the manager and deputy. All of the care staff are qualified to QCF level or will be working towards this within three months of starting. The staff are also trained and qualified in using BSL and all have considerable experience in childcare and working with complex needs.
Staff shift patterns are based around three teams and three people working a 24-hour shift over a three week period. This allows for a consistent approach with minimum disruption to the young people. All residents are supervised as required and are accompanied by staff for education, leisure and other activities. However, when appropriate and following an assessment of risk, free time, as part of independence training is actively encouraged.
Every young person has an individual placement plan which clearly sets out a behaviour support programme and planned outcome targets over a specific period of time. Six-monthly reviews are arranged and the placement plan updated as and when necessary. We use a specialised therapist for any specific sessions and provide intensive work in relation to complex behaviours. We have access to other specialist therapists and commission their services as and when necessary.
We have a strong partnership with the National Deaf Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (NDCAMHS); they provide crucial support for any family in helping them to understand their children. As communication is reciprocal we place strong emphasis on ensuring that both parties understand each other.
For young people who could not initially access a school environment, we have an outreach programme that enables tutors to come to our homes.
Depending on the progress we gradually begin to introduce young people into an education service with our staff supporting them until they are no longer required.
We support access to education for our children and young adults through our local schools and colleges. We help and support the transition to education along with the choices that may be taken.