Residential Services
  • Deaf Services Slider

Cambian Deaf services were founded 16 years ago. It was identified that specialist services for the Deaf are simply not readily available and at times this has led to Deaf young people and adults being let down by the system, often feeling, trapped, isolated, unsupported, and struggling to see a positive future for themselves.


Our Specialist Deaf Services are designed to cater for some of the most vulnerable and challenging Deaf young adults within our society. They often arrive at the beginning of their placements, feeling a lack of confidence, have low self-esteem and having had lots of poor experiences in terms of others not being able to communicate effectively with them . This would leave them feeling very isolated and withdrawn. This in turn often lead to significant mental health challenges.


The core difference in relation to what we provide is, the fact that our staff are expected to use British sign language at all times whilst at work.


We create a culture of free visual communication, so everybody present is included within conversations, ranging from relaxed and general conversation around the breakfast table to detailed conversations around more serious issues. The point being that no one is left out and this ensures a holistic approach to communicating and working with the people we support.


One of the most important factors in relation to this service, is the fact that we employ a high number of profoundly Deaf staff to work within the services.


Our Deaf staff bring a richness of culture to our organisation, they keep the quality and levels of British sign language high and perhaps, most important of all, they are fantastic role models to the people we support because it demonstrates to them that Deaf people can be successful, they can achieve, and with the right support and input, the sky is the limit for them, and there is no reason why they can’t achieve their own personal best!


It is our experience that when Deaf young adults arrive at Cambian specialist Deaf services, they are often very emotional when they become aware of the fully signing environment, and although this can take some time to get used to, the approach we use has a tremendous record of success and we have supported some very challenging individuals within our homes who have achieved very successful outcomes. It is common for the people we support to have experienced multiple placement breakdowns and it is our aim to provide a safe, effective long-term placement for them, offering high-quality communication and therapeutic support so that they can learn key skills for life and ultimately, live as independently and confidently as possible.


We have strong links to resources for the Deaf nationally and the people we support are encouraged to understand how to use and access services appropriate to them. This develops their confidence in relation to understanding their rights and what local services can be helpful to them.


We are delighted to have four specialist residential services for the Deaf nationally, supporting deaf, young people and adults from the age of 16.


All of our services provide a comfortable and homely environment and we adopt an inclusive therapeutic approach towards care and support. We have recently been fortunate enough to have Naomi Lil join the Deaf Services Team and she is our Mental Health Practitioner.


If you would like some advice or more information on our services and what we can do for you, message us here to discuss a referral in confidence.



• Ages from 16+

• Deaf/hearing impaired with communication challenges

• British sign language user

• Associated complex needs

• Challenging behaviour

• Autism, ESD or other diagnosed conditions


Mental Health Practitioner


Our Mental Health Practitioner works using a consultation model in the home, including home visits, email, telephone and teams consultations. They will also provide advice and evidence based therapeutic resources to support the staff in their relationships and care planning of the young adults. The key aim being to work holistically to support the staff teams to develop and enhance the young adults wellbeing, independence, social skills and resilience. 


The mental health practitioner uses a multi-disciplinary approach and will communicate with external clinical agencies, in addition to the wider Cambian professional team. Bespoke training for the team in line with the young adult’s specific individual needs can also be provided.


Consultation sessions with individual staff offer the opportunity for reflection and upskilling, and a chance to debrief after incidents. The mental health practitioner regularly attends team meetings, and other professional meetings where requested by the home manager/regional manager.

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a referral

in confidence?


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