We have a multi-disciplinary team across both Meeko and Merida, consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists and therapeutic practitioners, who offer a wide range of skills.
At Meeko and Merida, we endeavour to provide trauma informed and trauma responsive care. This means we understand the importance of fostering a therapeutic environment and therapeutic approach from all staff. We believe this is key in helping our young people build trusting and nurturing relationships with staff and peers, so that when ready, they feel safe in exploring the areas of need that may have brought them to our services.
In essence young people are receiving therapeutic input at all levels, from the point of admission through to their eventual transition. Staff are supported to work in a therapeutic and psychologically informed way with each young person through the provision of regular staff training on various psychological topics, providing reflective practice spaces, engaging the staff in team formulations around a young person’s needs, debriefs following incidents and staff drop in sessions.
As a therapeutic environment we adopt the principles of therapeutic parenting and PACE, which is a way of thinking, feeling, communicating and behaving that aims to make the child feel safe. PACE was developed by Dr Dan Hughes and is explained below:
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Individual therapy is guided by baseline assessments, risk assessments, and psychological formulation. Psychological formulation is a tool used to understand the young person’s difficulties and helps us to determine which areas to target within therapy that may be contributing to them. It also considers strengths and protective factors. We are able to draw upon a number of evidence based psychological therapies to best meet the young person’s needs. This includes drawing upon cognitive-behavioural therapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, considering attachment and trauma-informed principles at all times.
The young people will have the opportunity to meet with our Consultant Psychiatrist on a regular basis, or request appointments with them. Should the young person require medication, the Consultant Psychiatrist will also complete regular medication reviews.
Occupational therapy focuses on enhancing the young person’s motivation to participate in everyday life. It promotes the value of occupation and activity. This is achieved through a process of exploring new things and ideas and building competence as we begin to integrate new ways of doing things. In undertaking everyday activities, we start to achieve increased independence in life skills, including; problem-solving skills, motor skills and skills in communication and interaction.