Residential Services

On July 10, 2024, Cambian Dunbroch hosted an exciting and educational Science Day, inviting students from two schools, Wisbech and Great Dunmow, to join in the fun. The day was filled with a variety of activities designed to spark curiosity and deepen the students’ understanding of science.


The day kicked off with a hands-on experience that many students found both fascinating and enlightening - Dissections of animal organs. Students had the opportunity to examine the liver, heart, lungs, and kidneys up close, gaining a deeper understanding of the complex structures that make up these vital organs.


The excitement continued outdoors with a series of Explosion activities. The students watched in awe as everyday items like toothpaste, soda, and Mentos were used to create spectacular chemical reactions. The “Elephant toothpaste” experiment, the “Coke andMentos explosion”, and the “Exploding baggies” were particularly popular, demonstrating the power and unpredictability of science in a fun and engaging way.


One of the highlights of the day was a Murder mystery case, which the students had to solve using their scientific and mathematical knowledge. This activity not only tested their problem-solving skills but also showed them how science can be applied in real-world scenarios.


Throughout the day, the students also tackled packs of Scientific quizzes, challenging their knowledge and encouraging them to think critically about various scientific concepts.


As the day ended, each student was awarded a Certificate of participation, a memento of a day filled with learning, discovery, and fun. The smiles on their faces were a testament to the success of the Science Day.


The Science Day at Cambian Dunbroch was a resounding success, providing students with a unique opportunity to explore science in a hands-on and engaging way. It was a day of discovery, learning, and most importantly, fun. The students left with not just certificates, but also memories that will last a lifetime.



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